Certified ProgramThe NSP Certified Program is a performance-based leadership program that provides an opportunity for patrollers to learn and be tested on critical patroller skills/knowledge. The Certified program has a distinguished history with many of its members serving in National, Division, Regional, and Local patrol leadership positions with a commitment to giving back, fostering learning, and progressing core patroller skills over the years. Success in the Certified program is hard-earned requiring a real commitment to mastering multiple patrol-related disciplines often over multiple years and across regions/divisions to gain a vast and deep knowledge/skill base. Through the program, our members not only build a best-in-class level of expertise but also a sense of camaraderie with fellow patrollers as they work outside their local patrol/region. Your preparation to participate will provide a unique opportunity to learn from others, broaden your experience and sharpen your skills.
Admission is not automatic. To apply as a candidate, an applicant’s credentials are reviewed by a committee to ensure a minimal level of experience, a commitment to the program, and a track record of leadership and supporting their local patrol/region. Qualified individuals are invited to participate in the annual certified test. The certified exam is an intensive 3-day event that tests all aspects of your patrolling skills. Over the course of the season, multiple events are hosted, including a summer boot camp, to help hone skills and prepare candidates to be successful at the examination. The Certified Program has six core components examining physical endurance, knowledge, and experience, all requiring individual study and travel. The six core components are Avalanche, Outdoor Emergency Care, Outdoor Risk Management, Rope Rescue, Skiing and Riding, and Toboggan Handling. The specifics of each component can be found below in a document titled “ Certified Program Operations Manual”. This member-driven and approved standard is without compromise, where excellence is mandatory and the contents of exams are constantly evolving to remain current with best practices and industry standards. Over the past years, we have come to the conclusion that we make great patrollers even better through a combination of training, education and teaming opportunities. We are working hand in hand with the National Ski Patrol to develop future leaders and excellent patrollers. We have a significant pipeline and we continue to engage and expand our reach into the ranks of the NSP including active participation in all levels of training, testing, leadership development and diversification of the NSP across every program offered. Regional Certified advisors are available to help you find your way through the process and offer you guidance. If you still find that you have questions and need further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your attention and interest.
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