Outdoor Emergency Transport (OET)The Outdoor Emergency Transportation (OET) program provides NSP members with on snow
training for skiing, riding, telemark and toboggan handling skills. Our mission is to provide membership with credentialed education and leadership training in outdoor emergency transportation. Training is provided at local mountains, regional clinics and division Patroller Schools (PatrollerSchool.org). The OET Staff is led by the Steering Committee. Steering appoints Division Staff and OET Instructor Trainers (ITs). Regional Directors together with Steering appoint Regional Advisors (RAs). The Senior OET program is managed by the RAs. RAs develop and mentor OET instructors and Senior Trainer Evaluators (TEs). The path to getting involved with the division OET program begins with becoming a senior patroller. Patrollers interested in the Senior OET program begin by completing a Senior Candidate Application (download application). The candidate’s Patrol Director verifies that the applicant has sufficient knowledge, skills and experience to participate in senior level training. OET Instructors and TEs can download the OET Resources and Course Documents below. Questions and feedback on OET programs are encouraged and can be made directly through PatrollerSchool.org. Our programs are driven by membership feedback. OET Staff Appointments and DutiesOET Applications and FormsOET Instructor Resources
OET Instructor Course Documents |
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